Fun all the way through Sa iti tot faci de cap, cu cap, pana la cap’
Fun depends on age. And during teen-age the priority is to have fun as much as possible. The most intense and great fun moments are during ...
Any kind of sightseeing is defined by the person’s experiences, affections, passions, feelings. And it’s not about the chemistry between two, but the individual feelings when seeing any ruin site and that WOW comes out, moving you inside. Sightseeing is like books. Every time you re-read a book, you discover it again and again. This also happens when you revisit a place that once impressed you. You take pictures with different eyes, you explore it with different feelings, and you feel it on a different level. Brasov and its centre attract you for its to-and-fro, active life and cool people. It’s an old and new city at the same time, a city with monuments which you can visit or pass them by, but you must feel the atmosphere around them. All the city’s charm and pulse are taken through its distinctive vibration and state of mind. The way Brasov is felt, lays on its scent, sounds and images. The city may either move you deeply or not really get to you. Either way, let us know.
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Dealul Cetatii reserve - Lempes
Dealul Cetatii reserve - Lempes is (where else!?) on Lempes ...mai multe detalii
Mount Tampa
Mount Tampa has done more than a name scoring Brasov in the ...mai multe detalii
The Ethnography museum Brasov
The Ethnography museum Brasov presents over 21.000 value ...mai multe detalii
Solomon’s Rocks (Pietrele lui Solomon)
Solomon’s Rocks (Pietrele lui Solomon) have strong ...mai multe detalii
The Blacksmith Bastion
The Blacksmiths Bastion with its pentagonal shape, located ...mai multe detalii
Rasnov fortress
Rasnov fortress, located in Brasov, is a peasant fortress, ...mai multe detalii
Dramatic Theatre
It was founded in 1946 under the name "People's Theatre". In...mai multe detalii
The fortified church from Harman
The fortified church from Harman is another great location ...mai multe detalii
The Evangelic church from Sanpetru
The Evangelic church from Sanpetru was built in the 14th ...mai multe detalii
The Groaveri church Brasov
The Groaveri church Brasov named also Sf Paraschiva church ...mai multe detalii
Sf Martin church
Sf Martin church was built in gothic style between the 14th-...mai multe detalii
Postavaru Mountains
Postavaru Mountains are at 15 km from Brasov and have an ...mai multe detalii
The White Tower
The White Tower watches over the observation sight of Brasov...mai multe detalii
The Black Church
The Black Church is the largest religious building in gothic...mai multe detalii
Memorial house Gheorghe Dima
Memorial house Gheorghe Dima placed in Brasov Council Square...mai multe detalii
The first Romanian school museum
The first Romanian school museum stands prove for the ...mai multe detalii
Fortress Prejmer
Fortress Prejmer aimed to defend the church in Prejmer ...mai multe detalii
The Drapers Bastion
The Drapers Bastion was the strongest point of defence, ...mai multe detalii
Casina Romana
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Brasov fortress
Brasov fortress was initially represented by the ...mai multe detalii
Purcareni reserve
Purcareni reserve is in the place called "groove" from the ...mai multe detalii
The Ropemaker’s Bastion
The Ropemaker’s Bastion has the shape of a hexagon with a ...mai multe detalii
Sports Park Brasov
Sports Park Brasov named after leaving behind the name ...mai multe detalii
Johannes Honterus House
The Johannes Honterus house is to be found on nr 40 Nicolae ...mai multe detalii
St Bartholomew Church
St Bartholomew Church was built in 1223 being seriously ...mai multe detalii
Sf Nicolae church Brasov
Sf Nicolae church Brasov is the place where you might feel ...mai multe detalii
Rudolf Park
Rudolf Park was the walking place of the residence, who ...mai multe detalii
The fortified church of Codlea
The fortified church of Codlea is a Saxon church built in ...mai multe detalii
Stefan Baciu Memorial House
First museum built and dedicated in memory of diaspora novel...mai multe detalii
Weaver Bastion
The Weaver Bastion is the work and toil of the craftsmen ...mai multe detalii
Unirii Square
The old district of Brasov gets a unique identity and ...mai multe detalii
The Neological Synagogue
The Neological Synagogue is the Hebrew worship place built ...mai multe detalii
Council Square Brasov
The Council Square Brasov is the heart of the city, is where...mai multe detalii
Harlequin Theatre
Theater "Harlequin" was founded in 1949, operating as a ...mai multe detalii
The eutrophic forests and swamps Reserve from Prejmer
The eutrophic forests and swamps Reserve from Prejmer is a ...mai multe detalii
The Graft Bastion
The Graft Bastion near the White Tower and the Black Tower ...mai multe detalii
Poiana Brasov
Poiana Brasov or the most famous mountain resort in Romania ...mai multe detalii
Hirscher House
Hirscher House is now in the city’s centre like a proof of...mai multe detalii
Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church
Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church was dated back in 1486...mai multe detalii
The History museum Brasov
The History museum Brasov presents the city’s history ...mai multe detalii
Nicolae Titulescu Central Park
Nicolae Titulescu Central Park is the icing on the cake of ...mai multe detalii
The Orthodox Cathedral Adormirea Maicii Domnului
The Orthodox Cathedral Adormirea Maicii Domnului was also ...mai multe detalii
Gallery-art museum Brasov
The Gallery-art museum has its doors open to visit the ...mai multe detalii
Rasnoavei Keys
Rasnoavei Keys are a tourist attraction located within 3km ...mai multe detalii
Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Cathedral)
The Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church is on the south...mai multe detalii
Black Fortress Codlea
The Black Fortress Codlea was built in 1211-1225 and ...mai multe detalii
The Tanners Bastion
The Tanners Bastion or Furriers Bastion with its semi-...mai multe detalii
Museum of Urban Civilisation Brasov
Museum of Urban Civilisation Brasov is placed in an ...mai multe detalii
7 Stairs Canyon
7 stairs Canyon, or the "subdivision" of Piatra Mare ...mai multe detalii
Andrei Saguna National College
This building housed the first junior novel small Oriental ...mai multe detalii
Piatra Mare Mountains
Piatra Mare Mountains are part of Barsa Mountains and are ...mai multe detalii
The Ethnographic museum Sacele
The Ethnographic museum Sacele was first documentary ...mai multe detalii
Muresenilor family museum
The Muresenilor family museum was founded in 1968 after the ...mai multe detalii
The Evangelic church from Cristian
The Evangelic church from Cristian was built since early ...mai multe detalii
Poarta Ecaterinei
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Rope Street
The Rope Street is something you should not miss! Well, if ...mai multe detalii
The Holy Trinity church
The Holy Trinity church is the result of the consistently ...mai multe detalii
The Black Tower
The Black Tower is 11 meters high tower, which received in ...mai multe detalii
Kron-Gallery Art Gallery
Beauty fixed in a gallery in the heart of Brasovmai multe detalii
The Orthodox Synagogue
The Orthodox Synagogue charms you with its Moorish ...mai multe detalii
George Baritiu house
Building dates from the 19th centurymai multe detalii
The fortification on Bunloc
The fortification on Bunloc belongs to the European Bronze ...mai multe detalii
Bistro de l'Arte Gallery
A unique concept restaurant and art exhibitionmai multe detalii
Compress Art Gallery Barabass
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Saba Art Gallery
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Hanul La cerbul de aur
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