The Italian restaurants in Brasov, Prato restaurant, Era Ora or Vesuvius restaurants try to keep the foods as similar to the original ...
Whatever the season is, the kids are at school or during holiday, the smoking is allowed or not in bars, the general question for most of the people in Brasov (and not only) is „Where do we drink today?!”. Our going out recipe is as it follows and it’s very easy to put in practice: call some trusty friends, decide upon the place, fix the meeting hour and obligatory come along with good spirits. The bars in Brasov have various special offers as „hard” as possible experiences for the really thirsty ones. And the slightly loud music also helps consuming the drinks in a more intense manner. What we try to transmit is that the socialization phenomenon gets a good start at an obscure table in a bar, where the atmosphere created by the place suits you very well.