Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Cathedral)

The Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church is on the south-east side of the Council square on the former medieval Dominican church and is under the patronage of Sf Mihail, Gabriel and Rafael Archangels. The church was built in the 18th century in a baroque style and the front side is placed in front of Muresenilor Street. This is why the church does not keep the already known east-west orientation.

On the former Dominican church built in gothic style is now the baroque style church with its rectangular building, the polygonal shape chore and the massive tower rising above the main entrance. The construction ended due to the financial support of Maria Theresa and skills of the architect Carol Lamasch. The stained glass windows were made between 1891 and 1894 in Budapest. Inside of Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church is an impressive number of carpets and it is presented the cross way through 14 paintings. In 1782 was built at the entrance a monumental cross. The main altar is wood sculpted and gold polished. The other six lateral altars decorated with paintings and sculptures are not to be left beside. The statues of Sf Apostol Petru and Pavel, Sf Ana and Anton from Padova are kept in the church’s sanctuary. The organ is from the period in between the two wars and was made in Timisoara. Do not miss the Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic church in Brasov if you like to visit the only baroque style touristic building in Brasov.

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Address : Strada Muresenilor, Nr 21, Brasov, Romania

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