Memorial house Gheorghe Dima

Memorial house Gheorghe Dima placed in Brasov Council Square was built in 1960 where the great composer was born. Gheorghe Dima (1847-1925) was a composer, chanter and teacher, in his memorial house are still being kept his parts, furniture, piano, concert posters and other personal belongings.

The first room of the house has pictures with his college mates from Germany and the Graduation Diploma from Liepzig Music Academy. Gheorghe Dima sang during his youth years at Operas in Zurich and Klagenfurt and returned to Romania becoming the director of Cluj Music Academy. The youngest of Dima family (the youngest of four brothers) seems to have had a tragic life. Just returned home, he was the director of Romanian Music Central Schools and married in 1875. After just three years of marriage his two children died and shortly after his wife Maria happens to pass away too. Deeply affected by these deaths he decides to leave Brasov. For those with fine musical tastes and curious about Gheorghe Dima’s life you should visit his Memorial house.

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Locatii din apropiere

The Square
Muresenilor family museum
The History museum Brasov
The Orthodox Cathedral Adormirea Maicii Domnului
Restaurant Taj Mahal

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