Museum of Urban Civilisation Brasov

Museum of Urban Civilisation Brasov is placed in an architectural public building representative for the commercial centres of the 16th-19th centuries Transylvania towns.

The house of the museum was built in the renaissance style being archaeological dated since 13th – 14th centuries. Its windows and doors have stone decorations and perforated arches. This place transformed several times during time. The building with frontal arches relays on stone columns which originally was built as commercial centre for the Saxon merchant’s. The structure was modified in 1800 by replacing the portico and the frontal moved 2 meters outside. Set out on three levels (basement, ground floor and first level) reviling the urban people civilisation connecting the commercial and economic from occident and orient during three centuries. It should be visited down to up, start with the basement, following the first floor and the first level to discover the characteristic of each age. A representative place in history is the basement where in 17th century was stored the goods of that age. The basement still has an original wall out of unworked stone and compo and bricks semi-cylindrical arch. During 18th century the basement was commercial centre used like a cottage full of goods and spices. The room is long and narrow decorated also with semi-cylindrical arch with floral elements of 18th century. In the corner is a room decorated with the same semi-cylindrical arch in floral elements of„al secco”, style painted in white and ochre over a blue marine background. On the first level are the living area (living room and the children’s room), photography studios, tailor workshops and gift shops. The first level paintings have window decorations placed on a green-grey background. The attic is opened for all artists, personalities and art lovers who can exhibit their works. The museum was awarded in 2010 with the ICOM Romanian Committee prize for historic rehabilitation of the museum. The prize shows also the people’s desire to recover their past and start to value more the city. Without doubt we made you curious to see the combination of such a contemporary museum in an old style building.

Working Hours
Day Opening hour Closing hour
luni 10:00 10:00
marti 10:00 10:00
miercuri 10:00 10:00
joi 10:00 10:00
vineri 10:00 10:00
sambata 10:00 10:00
duminica 10:00 10:00
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Locatii din apropiere

Restaurant Da Vinci
Pensiunea Da Vinci
Restaurant Cerbul Carpatin
Schwarz Pub
Tickets name price
Adulti 7 lei
Pensionari 3 lei
Elevi, studenti 1.5 lei

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Contact details
Address : Piata Sfatului nr. 15, Brasov, Romania
Telephone : click to view
Email : click here to send an email
web : click here
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