The fortification on Bunloc

The fortification on Bunloc belongs to the European Bronze Age outbreak. This era is dominated by the cultural effervesce supported by trade practice between the centres of power.
Most likely there have been written a lot about this fortification and is still equally researched. If everything what is written, then it's compulsory to take the findings into account, and when it is investigated it's compulsory to draw conclusions with maximum responsibility. Because so far nothing has been found in this location of Dacian origin, labelling the building as a "sanctuary" or "Dacian fortress" like those in Sarmizegetusa region is more than useless.

It is worth doing the derivation analysis of the term "fortification" and "fortress". The first is of Latin origin and means "deed" - fortis and requires those fortifications defending the fighters, and the second also of Latin origin "civitas" involves lifting those walls that surround a permanent settlement with the special features of organization. The difference between the two analysed terms is quite suggestive and useful for understanding the fortification itself. Fortification on Bunloc consists of approximately 100 hectares surrounded by a stone wall ~ 4 km long. Such a building can also be met on the 1-2 hectares fields from Sirnea, used to granituirii the grassland. Here in Bunloc, you can see the wall built on a bed of stone carved in the rock taking advance toward the steep with about 30 meters from the flat places which is a plus in terms of defence against attacks. Positioned in a secluded place on the flanks of a valley is the exactly minus thing directed to attack the area. Bunloc fortress construction is a success in terms of strategic and because the attempt to siege it was a waste of time if they followed encircling the walls on the south side since on the 1.5 km long slope the enemies were constantly disadvantage. But before getting to the fortification of the Bunloc you have to pass over the Tartars wave, which is a 12 meters wide 1,200 meters long and 10 meters high shore ground. The wave is the one blocking the Timis and Baciului Valley. The defenders of the area paid attention also to the eastern side of the fortification by closing Baciului Valley and building two towers as strength and observation post. Defence of the Tartar Wave was made of more than 1,000 combatants. Nobody knows who built it, but things will not stay like that, being part of a European identity founded on ideals the above formulated question will have its answer. This is one of the dilemmas that have not found its answer yet, in terms of who put the basis for building the fortifications on Bunloc.

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Complex Motelier din Darste
Restaurant Hanul Domnesc
The Ethnographic museum Sacele
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