Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church

Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church was dated back in 1486 as a Clarisse nun monastery. In 1530 the Franciscans were chased away from Brasov due to the suspicion of being the followers of Habsburg Empire and the church became storehouse for cereals and Lutheran church. By 1716 the church returned in the property of Franciscan monks.

The church and the subordinated monastery are national interest historical monuments to visit. The room type church was built in a gothic style composed from a high trapeze shape nave and a polygon shape chore. Above the portal of „ Sf Ioan Botezatorul” Franciscan church is a commemorative stone with an inscription from 1724. The inscription mentions Tige general and his wife, who played an important role in the recovery and reconstruction of the building. These two donated 1000 guldens and churchly objects so that the church activity continued. The pulpit, inner vaults and three altars are all built in gothic style. The three alters are as follows: the main altar dedicated to Sf Ioan Botezatorul and the other two to Sf Fecioara Maria and Sf Ioan of Nepomuk. In the interwar period the interior was painted with the cross inside the triumph arch, the two praying hands of the Franciscan Order and God’s lamb (Agnus Dei). Inside the church is also the important scene from Sf Francisc life, namely the wolf legend. The church patron Sf Ioan Botezatorul is painted on the baroque style altar baptising Jesus Christ in the waters of Jordan. Among the sculptures inside the church are the statues of Fecioara Maria, Sf Ioan, Sf Anton and Jesus Christ. If you ever wonder „where do the Roman Catholic believers pray ?& rdquo; you should find out that they pray together with Orthodox at Sf Anton of Padova inside the „Sf Ioan Botezatorul” Franciscan church.

Working Hours
Day Opening hour Closing hour
luni 07:00 18:00
marti 07:00 18:00
miercuri 07:00 18:00
joi 07:00 18:00
vineri 07:00 18:00
sambata 07:00 18:00
duminica 07:00 18:00
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Aro Palace - bar de zi
Dr. Jekelius - Pharmacy Cafe
Hostel JugendStube
Hotel Aro Palace

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Address : Strada Sfantul Ioan, Nr 7, Brasov, Romania

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