Tour of churches

You are our guest to go beyond the doors of the Christianity mysteries. Come there where history is alive and resisted during time to any vicissitudes. Come and

You are our guest to go beyond the doors of the Christianity mysteries. Come there where history is alive and resisted during time to any vicissitudes. Come and hear the story of the construction of these buildings. Just come and you will discover something that makes your spirituality to be always appreciated and full of charm and mystery.

To continue the tour in the same manner with the historical fascination of Brasov, close to Unirii square, you are allowed access to the St. Nicolae Church, where inner peace increases slowly slowly. This place is a cultural and spiritual significance for the area around Barsa Land, especially in light of the fact that the first religious-themed books in Romanian language were printed by Coresi deacon in the church of St. Nicolae.

Leaving the churchyard of St. Nicolae and slowly stepping downhill, we get in front of the Groaveri Church, Sf Paraschiva Church, which originally entered under the service of the fortress garrison.

Next construction proposed for visiting is the Neological Synagogue, Hebrew place of worship built in August 1901, in Gothic style with Moorish influences. Across the street from the synagogue, not 10 minutes away, you can visit the Holy Trinity Church built after the consistent donations of Greek and Roman merchants and nobles of Brancoveanu family.

In the south–- east of the historic centre of Brasov is situated Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church. The building was built in Baroque style in the 18th century and has an impressive interior carpet waiting to be stepped by shy believers.

Continuing the string of visits to the church built in Brasov, the Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan Church awaits her devotees and visitors who want to enter. Attested in 1486, the church is part of the historical monuments of national interest.

The auspice of the religious receiver put a mark also on the church that sits tucked away in a courtyard without having street frontage. This is the Sf Adormire Orthodox Cathedral, built with an interior length which reaches 27 meters and a width of 12.5 meters.

On leaving the Sf Adormire Orthodox Cathedral, covering diagonally the Square, steps will be taken through the Black Church, the largest religious building in the Gothic style of south-eastern Europe. With a capacity of 5,000 seats, the church has a length of 90 meters, a height of 37 meters and a 65 meter tower cross.

Regarding the Buchholz mechanical organ still accompanying today every soul touched by the sound of weekly concerts held inside the tabernacle, is the largest and only still operating in the south-eastern part of Europe. It has no more and no less than 3993 pipes and 76 registers. The Black Church is therefore the tourism objective where visitors annually cross the threshold to approximately 100,000 tourists.

Churches in Brasov end of the tour may be taking place on the benches of the famous Square and remembering paths crossed. And if you want to cool off during summer with water from the fountain placed in the centre of the square or to gaze at people transiting the area from an especially designed terrace for tourism, then welcome in the Council Square Brasov.

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