National Rally Cross competitions Brasov


The Rally Cross fans are every spring and autumn waited at the National Rally Cross competition in Brasov. Such competitions are well organized so that every competitor can sing up in time and finish the special mechanical checks.
During such events the wheels creak, high speed turns, tick smoke and noises from the exhaust pipe define the atmosphere during the event. Before the white-clack flags start de competition, the Rally Cross competitors are thoroughly updated with the participation regulations. A set of regulations must be follow for the good development of the competition.
The National Rally Cross competitions Brasov are also animated from the best photographers, who try to capture the most amazing moments of the fast running cars on track. If you thought the competition would end in a clean way for the cars, we announce you it is far from happening. The opposite, here are the biggest dust clouds, sand is thrown everywhere and if it happens to rain too then not only the cars are mudded but also the audience start to be head to toes „equipt” with mud. Anyway, this is a pleasure for the Rally Cross fans.
Often the extreme weather conditions during the Rally Cross competitions become a real delight for the fans. They can enjoy the most spectacular turns, overtaking, skids and the most spectacular finishes. Of course every race competition announces the winners, who “bath” in campaign. All these and much more are to be seen at the National Rally Cross competitions Brasov.

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