The (semi)marathons Brasov started to happen much often lately and this could only be a good thing for the city community. Running is a life style and a healthy one too. Regardless your age category, moving your feet in alert pace depends on age. These kinds of competitions have no limits. More precisely running does not depend on if there are 30 degrees above or – 15 below, because for each season is a different route and the passionate ones join in great number every time.
The (semi)marathons Brasov would not possible attract fewer people especially due to the good organization of such events. Here we speak about the sign up modalities, materials and food products offered to the participants, the prizes and medals and list may go on. For all those joining such events, running is a life style. Every runner knows that his or her body will perfectly function as long as running is their first priority!
These sorts of events should constantly be promoted and sustained and the numbers of those willing to join should constantly rise. The panting, sweets, teeth gratings, the feet firmly laid on the off road ground will always be rewarded and appreciated like it should. As a result the runners are often sustained by their fans sitting on sides. It would be interesting to find out how many of you have at home a shelf full of (semi)marathons medals or cups.