Why would spend your night in place where not even Zorro’s sword could break the cigars smoke and most of the people seem to be possessed of Bacchus’s liquids?! Because besides you are a smoker and start not feel the smoke around you and it is the place where you meet your friends. And honestly you do not like to have fun, drink and listen to music alone at home. And to clear one thing right from the start you are not even among those who go out in the club to show off their latest summer collection. It could not be possible because you go to those clubs where people go out in their most shabby jeans and T-shirts. More precisely you like to hang out a lot in Subsol Club, The Square, Rockstadt or in Trippin.
Good that you are not among those who like to go in places where ladies wear 2 pounds of make-up, a lot of foundation and eye brow pencil. Also the type of music you are listening to keeps you away from the ladies who seem naked instead of dressed. What can one do if you like the long hair people rocking their heads instead of the ladies moving their bottom with soul and mind full of frills?! And this is why you will have such a great time in Rockstadt.
In this kind of clubs where the labelling doesn’t matter, you can really be who you are. Is the place where you have fun, just the way you like it. Not to say that in the frills clubs you pay 10 times a bier (and Stejar, your favourite bier is not even on menu) here you can have almost everything you would wish without a 500% add. And do not make a habit by going every evening in the club to justify your presence. Go out to Subsol Club only to keep up friendships. Many may say that one cannot have a decent conversation in such darkness and noise, but perhaps you are among those who are not made to protect their needs, money and nation, because if so your yelling and hearing would have been very fine and good tuned.