Escorta Tatianna

You want to spend some time with someone who really loves what she does? You had dreams which should come true? You are lonely and don't like it? Then I am the one you are looking for. I enjoy giving pleasure and so much more... If you are a classy gentleman who is looking for the perfect mature lady,realy MILF, then search no more ! Kiss Tatianna...

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Etian Votieenn

Rating: rated rated rated rated rated
Hello! My name is John and i wanted to talk about Tatianna!Thank's to a buisness trip of mine in Brasov i have had the pleasure of finding Tatianna on this website ! I called her and made an apointment....when i called a very sexy voice answered and invited me to her location! The surprise was even bigger as i arrived! A tall sexy and voluptous woman opened the door and invited me in! I just want to say for all the other people who think about visiting this beautifull woman that she is worth spending days in her company...i have vissited many escorts in Romania but none as rafined and well manered as Tatianna! The experience was amazing...oral sex perfectly done..normal sex with very sexy moans..and an explosive anal..I recomend her to everyone who want's to be treated like a lover not as a client!
I am very eager to see her again in Constanta-Mamaia,because she go in Constanta in 2 days... Goodbye!

john smith

Rating: rated rated rated rated rated
Buna! Am vizitat-o pe Tatiana,azi,in Brasov,unde a revenit pentru 1 saptamana! Am ramas impresionat de atitudinea ei,de mirosul parfumului eii,de lenjeriile sexy,de aparitia voluptoasa,cu sani mari si fermi,fundul bombat si tare,m-a zapacit de tot!
Am optat pentru 1 ora,initial,apoi am prelungit inca cu una!!! Nu-mi pare rau dupa suma cheltuita sa-mi satisfac poftele cu aceasta CURTEZANA MODERNA,artista ,experimentata. V-o recomand celor iubitori de MILF-uri si femei cu forme! (are csam 1,70m cu 65-68kg,blonda,parul lung,insa nu are coafura din foto,il are mai drept ).
per ansamblu,nota -10(-" pentru locatie-momentan sta intr-un studio f curat dar am inteles ca se muta intr-o locatie de lux)

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