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Events 25.01 , 16 february 2025, sunday
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Rediscover yourselves by attending to events

Brasov is also full of events. There is a wide range of events to choose from even if we talk about theatre, cultural events, club, exhibitions, children events or concerts. You can instantly find out depending on your personal preferences what theatre plays are on in Brasov in which the actors and not only give their best performances all the way through. If you prefer opera and musical comedy here is the place to find information about these events. You are also updated with all the information about Romanian or international traditional events. And if you are among those who charge themselves by going out in clubs, you can find out here about the places with the best mixing music and where your favourite band plays. As a matter of course, we all choose attending or not to events depending on our interest and free time. That is why we wish each event to have a memorable impact on everyone.

We write to Know - Blog

Cine bea o cafea de dimineata, departe ajunge.

De ce cafeaua este prieten si nu dusman?


Obiceiuri de sarbatoare de pe meleaguri brasovene

             Deși Brașovul ne atrage în special pentru frumusețea sa ...


Prietenii adevarati se intalnesc la o bere

Cel care a inventat berea a fost un om intelept.(Platon)

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