Eighter they are talented or not, some people just love to sing; and their friends like to listen them. And for all these people, Brasov ...
Where else than in an authentic tea house could someone cherish a full cup of fine flavours and intense coloured liquid. Along with the tea’s therapeutic effects this liquid arises with one tea sip a story to be shared with two, three or how many you want friends.
The tea serving act has been fast developing and still is. This evolution is to be seen in the tea vessels (see the old tiny tea cups replaced with the present bowls where you could lose your face when you take a sip) and also in the tea’s package (see the replacement of dried plants thrown in boiling water with sachets of various shapes and lengths). And here is the case to talk about those intimate, quiet and stylish organized tea houses, which offer to tea lovers a relaxed and full of inspiration atmosphere.
So in order to have a good tea cup do not wait until to have shiver or for the cold weather outside. Drink it to feel its full flavour and the immediate effects it has on your body. Enjoy the sipping!