The Oktoberfest festival Brasov
The Oktobertfest festival Brasov represents a much cherished contradiction among the people. Why do we call it a contradiction?! Simply ...
Fortress Prejmer
Fortress Prejmer aimed to defend the church in Prejmer ...mai multe detalii
Hirscher House
Hirscher House is now in the city’s centre like a proof of...mai multe detalii
Poarta Ecaterinei
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Rasnov fortress
Rasnov fortress, located in Brasov, is a peasant fortress, ...mai multe detalii
Livada Postei
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The Ropemaker’s Bastion
The Ropemaker’s Bastion has the shape of a hexagon with a ...mai multe detalii
Black Fortress Codlea
The Black Fortress Codlea was built in 1211-1225 and ...mai multe detalii
Rope Street
The Rope Street is something you should not miss! Well, if ...mai multe detalii
The Blacksmith Bastion
The Blacksmiths Bastion with its pentagonal shape, located ...mai multe detalii
The Drapers Bastion
The Drapers Bastion was the strongest point of defence, ...mai multe detalii
Brasov fortress
Brasov fortress was initially represented by the ...mai multe detalii
The Graft Bastion
The Graft Bastion near the White Tower and the Black Tower ...mai multe detalii
Weaver Bastion
The Weaver Bastion is the work and toil of the craftsmen ...mai multe detalii
The White Tower
The White Tower watches over the observation sight of Brasov...mai multe detalii
Unirii Square
The old district of Brasov gets a unique identity and ...mai multe detalii
The Tanners Bastion
The Tanners Bastion or Furriers Bastion with its semi-...mai multe detalii
Council Square Brasov
The Council Square Brasov is the heart of the city, is where...mai multe detalii
The Black Tower
The Black Tower is 11 meters high tower, which received in ...mai multe detalii
Solomon’s Rocks (Pietrele lui Solomon)
Solomon’s Rocks (Pietrele lui Solomon) have strong ...mai multe detalii
Memorial house Gheorghe Dima
Memorial house Gheorghe Dima placed in Brasov Council Square...mai multe detalii
Johannes Honterus House
The Johannes Honterus house is to be found on nr 40 Nicolae ...mai multe detalii
The fortification on Bunloc
The fortification on Bunloc belongs to the European Bronze ...mai multe detalii