The Oktoberfest festival Brasov
The Oktobertfest festival Brasov represents a much cherished contradiction among the people. Why do we call it a contradiction?! Simply ...
Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church
Sf Ioan Botezatorul Franciscan church was dated back in 1486...mai multe detalii
Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Cathedral)
The Sf Petru and Pavel Roman Catholic Church is on the south...mai multe detalii
The Black Church
The Black Church is the largest religious building in gothic...mai multe detalii
The Orthodox Cathedral Adormirea Maicii Domnului
The Orthodox Cathedral Adormirea Maicii Domnului was also ...mai multe detalii
Sf Martin church
Sf Martin church was built in gothic style between the 14th-...mai multe detalii
The Groaveri church Brasov
The Groaveri church Brasov named also Sf Paraschiva church ...mai multe detalii
The Neological Synagogue
The Neological Synagogue is the Hebrew worship place built ...mai multe detalii
The Evangelic church from Sanpetru
The Evangelic church from Sanpetru was built in the 14th ...mai multe detalii
The Orthodox Synagogue
The Orthodox Synagogue charms you with its Moorish ...mai multe detalii
The Evangelic church from Cristian
The Evangelic church from Cristian was built since early ...mai multe detalii
The fortified church from Harman
The fortified church from Harman is another great location ...mai multe detalii
The fortified church of Codlea
The fortified church of Codlea is a Saxon church built in ...mai multe detalii
St Bartholomew Church
St Bartholomew Church was built in 1223 being seriously ...mai multe detalii
The Holy Trinity church
The Holy Trinity church is the result of the consistently ...mai multe detalii
Sf Nicolae church Brasov
Sf Nicolae church Brasov is the place where you might feel ...mai multe detalii